Year 1

Meet the team: Miss Emes and Mrs Maxwell-Arthur

Remember on your way to school...

Monday:      Book bag, reading diary, water bottle, and full indoor and outdoor PE Kit.

                *HAND-IN day for reading diaries and book bags*

Tuesday:      Book bag, reading diary, and water bottle.

Wednesday: Homework, book bag, reading diary, water bottle.

                *HAND-IN day for Homework, reading diaries, and book bags*

Thursday:    Book bag, reading diary, and water bottle.

Friday:        Book bag, reading diary, water bottle, and full indoor and outdoor PE Kit.


Our PE days are Mondays and Fridays.

Children need to bring to school their full outdoor kit on these days and for health and safety reasons, they should have their long hair tied and earrings removed. Correct kit earns Dojo Points. The kit should include:

- Sweatshirt or zipped jacket

- Jogging trousers or leggings

- Trainers or pumps

- A T-shirt and shorts can be worn on warmer days.


Below are some key skills you can work on to support your child throughout Year 1. We will send home weekly homework each Friday in your child’s homework bag. Please return homework in this bag each Wednesday to show your child's success and earn Dojo points.

Reading regularly will develop a love of books and your child’s skills as a reader.  We recommend reading at least three times each week.  Each day you indicate in their diary that your child has read, this means they collect raffle tickets to be in with a chance to win a book from school. 

Maths homework will be sent home every week.  This will often reinforce a skill that has been taught previously.

A SPaG activity and spellings will be sent home each week for children to reinforce their SPaG objectives and spellings from the week. 

Number facts are an important skill to keep practising throughout Year 1.  Our end of year target is for most children to be able to recall addition and subtraction facts for numbers up to 20 (such as 7+3=10, 10-3=7, 1+4=5, 5-4=1, 16+2=18).  We also need to practise counting on and back to 100 in ones, then twos, fives and tens. You can also help your child by revising the KIRFS provided on Dojo. 


Please click below to see our newsletter. This will provide you with information on the curriculum this term. 

 Y1 Class Newsletter Autumn

Y1 Spring Class Newsletter


Y1 has had an amazing start to the year. Here is a round-up of all the fantastic things we have been up to. 

















