Year 3
Spring Newsletter
If you would like to find out what Y3 will be learning this term, check out the link below and download the latest newsletter for our class. The P.E days for Y3 this term are Wednesday and Friday. Children need to bring their swim kit on Fridays.
Spring 2, Week 4
This week, Year 3 practiced their ball skills under the bright sunshine on the school’s astroturf. The children sharpened their passing, dribbling, and shooting techniques, enjoying the outdoor lesson while improving teamwork and coordination.
Spring 2, week 3
In a Year 3 math lesson this week, students were introduced to perimeter by using Numicon. By arranging the Numicon into rectilinear shapes, they developed a hands-on understanding of measuring and calculating perimeter.
Spring 2, week 2
In a fun Year 3 math lesson, students measured each other's height and feet using rulers. They practiced length and measurement skills, comparing results and learning to estimate and record measurements, all while engaging in hands-on learning and teamwork.
Autumn Newsletter
If you would like to find out what Y3 will be learning this term, check out the link below and download the latest newsletter for our class. The P.E days for Y3 this term are Monday and Wednesday.
One of our first maths lessons involved creating numbers up to 100.
We were able to dienes blocks to create numbers and wrote them on our tables. This way we were able to show our understanding of place value.
Autumn 1, week 3
Y3 enjoyed the spell of good weather this week while out practicing tag rugby skills in the sunshine as part of their P.E lesson.
Autumn 1, week 4
This week, Y3 went on a trip to Treak Cliff Cavern. It was filled with Blue John stone as well as hundreds of stalactites and stalagmites in the cavern itself. Situated deep in the countryside, the class learned about the history of the area and were able to polish and take home some Blue John stone.
Autumn 1, week 5
Last week, Y3 were testing rocks to find out if they were limestone or contained chalk. They did this by adding vinegar to a rock selection and observed if there were any reactions. It was a very smelly activity, but we did have some results!
Autumn 1, week 6
This week, Y3 have been working on improving their literacy and oracy skills. The children wrote a diary entry based on the picture book, The Seal Surfer, and read it out loud to the class. What Superstars!
History Day!
For History Day, Y3 was immersed in the Stone Age! At the beginning of the day, we began by mapping our massive timeline to the past. In our cavern, we discovered a cave painting artefact, did some cave drawings on parchment, completed some cave drawings in a cave (under our tables!) and made a friendship bracelet out of twine. It was a very busy day!
Autumn 2, week 1
This week, Y3 applied their multi-media painting skills to produce work in response to a story that contained a monster. They used oil-based crayons and paint washes to create a resist effect in their final artworks. What masterpieces!
Autumn 2, Week 2
Can a picture move? This was the question Y3 were answering in their computing lesson this week. They created a flipbook using Post-it notes and were able to 'animate' it by flipping the pages. So, can a picture move? It certainly did for the Y3 children!
Autumn 2, Week 3
This week, Y3 have been making music! The lesson was based around the theme of castles and using percussion instruments, the children built up rhythms to create a musical piece.
Autumn 2, week 4
This week, Y3 made fruit yogurt. It was an exciting session with some children trying new flavours and chopping fruit for the first time. Our toasted oats even managed to set the school fire alarm off! At the end of the afternoon, the children were able to take their creations away and taste them at home.