Year 4
Our PE days are Tuesday and Wednesday. Wednesday is our swimming session.
Our reading record hand in days are Tuesday and Thursday.
Spring 1 Week 2
Year 4 have had a brilliant start to their new history unit, the Anglo-Saxons. We worked in groups to put key events in chronological order without using dates and we drew on our previous learning in our Viking unit to help us.
Autumn 2 Week 6
Year 4 have been investigating the stability of different shapes in preparation for their stadium final designs. There was some fantastic teamwork. I can’t wait to see the final results!
Autumn 2 Week 5
Year 4 have been investigating pitch and amplitude and how to change the pitch of a sound. We decided to investigate the affects of an elastic band that was tight, loose, thin and thick to see if the pitch would change when twanged. The children worked in groups to record their results and conducted a great investigation.
Autumn 2 Week 4
Year 4 have had an amazing visit to York for the Jorvik centre and Dig Site. We acted out a Viking saga, dug for artefacts and even went on a ride through a Viking settlement!
Autumn 2 Week 3
Year 4 have been investigating whether sound can travel through all mediums and which one it travels quickest through. We tested a range of materials and discussed whether we could see any patterns. The children worked great as a team and made some fantastic scientific observations and explanations. They were able to use their results to explain why sound travels quickest through solids. Well done Year 4!
Autumn 2 Week 2
Year 4 have really enjoyed the start of their sound unit in Science. We used the drums to create different sounds and investigated how this affected the vibrations and movement of the rice. They made some fantastic scientific observations and explanations. Well done Year 4!
Autumn 2 Week 1
Year 4 have had a great start to their DT learning. We have been investigating different shapes and how they can give structures stability. We are doing this in preparation for building our own stadium models! We were amazed at how much weight the cylinders could hold!