Before and After School Care
At St Mary's we provide outstanding wrap around care so that children, if needed, can be cared for by adults in school all day.
Extra- Curricular Clubs
Each term, staff in school run a range extra-curricular clubs to develop children's passion for different subjects. Club that run regularly include netball, choir, STEM, computing and gymnastics. We also have a range of sports clubs run by coaches from Arches. All of our Extra-Curricular clubs are free to attend and run from 3:15-4:15.
Breakfast Club
Breakfast club is the perfect way to start the day. It offers quieter activities which include arts and crafts, puzzles, toys, board games and computer games. We also provide a healthy breakfast which consists of things such as toast, cereal, fruit and juice. Our breakfast club is staffed by wonderful members of staff who are DBS checked, first aid trained and who are seen by the children throughout the day. Breakfast Club opens at 7:30am and children are taken to their classrooms, by staff, at 8:40am. The cost of Breakfast Club is £3.50.
After School Club
After school club offers a fun and educational way to end the day. Children can play with a range of friends or chose from a wide range of activities such as games, sports and more. Each day they will be given a snack. Examples of the snacks we have on offer include: sandwiches, noodles, fruit/veg, pasta, pizza and the children even do some baking! The After School Club costs £5.50 for a part session, or £8 for a full session. The club closes at 5:45pm.
Please sign up on Arbor or call the school office on 01142 344461 to book your child's place.