School Meals
Our school meals are excellent – just ask our children! They’re cooked fresh on site every day; they’re delicious, nutritious & served by fantastic staff who are an amazingly important part of our school family! The Catering Contract of the school is run by Taylor Shaw – a specialist to the Education market with over 20 years experience of providing great food to schools & colleges. Taylor Shaw’s focus is on quality fresh food & they source ingredients as locally as possible to provide varied and exciting menus that all of our children can enjoy. Each morning children are able to chose what they have for their lunch that day which gets recorded on an online system and sent to the school kitchen to ensure each child gets what they selected.
The menu for this term is shown below.
We do not handle lunch money in school. When your child starts at St Mary's you will be given log in details for LunchHound which is an online payment system.
If your child has any allergies or special needs, then please let school know in order that we can ensure that your child is well catered for at lunchtime.
To see how Taylor Shaw safeguards allergen / dietary information under GDPR, please click below:
TS Medical Diet Privacy Notice
Packed Lunches
If preferred, children can bring a healthy packed lunch to school. Children have their packed lunch in the same hall as those having a hot school meal. Children must not bring in fizzy drinks or energy drinks and packed lunches need to be balanced and healthy. Drinking water is available on each table for children having packed lunches.
Please download the document below for ideas of food items to put in a healthy lunchbox.
All children in Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1 have access to free fruit each day during morning playtime. Children in Key Stage 2 can choose to bring in a piece of fresh fruit or vegetable to eat during playtime.
Water and Milk
All children in school are given a water bottle which they can use in lesson time and before and after playtimes to keep themselves hydrated. All children in Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1 are entitled to free school milk. Children in Key Stage 2, who are entitled to free school meals, are also entitled to free milk and other children in Key Stage 2 can order milk each term at a cost. Please complete the form that is sent out each term to order milk, or inquire at the main School Office.
Please click on the attachment below to read our Whole School Food Policy.