
As a school with a strong Christian ethos, we actively encourage our children to be aware of the needs of others, to think about how they can respond to help people in situations worse than their own & to realise their responsibilities as citizens.

Every year we raise money and items for a range of resources, Here are a few from this year so far:

S6 Food Bank

Our Archie Bishop club decided they wanted to support families who were facing financial difficulties. As a result they set up a food bank in school.  We drop donations off to the S6 Food Bank every month so if you would  like to contribute, please bring a donation and pop it in the box in the school office. 

Harvest Collection

Our families were incredible generous this year and donated lots of food and personal hygiene items to The Cathedral's Arches Project.

Children in Need

This year for Children in Need, we had a non uniform day, a school  disco, a bun sale and the School Council set up a stall to sell Children in Need merchandise. In total we raised an incredible £412.51!


​This year the CREW (Collective RE and Worship) Council are sponsoring an eight year old boy called Menber. He lives in Farta in Ethiopia. We have received a little from him and we have responded with letters from each class. Each month, the CREW council organises an activity to raise £19.50. So far they have sold Disney cards and held a raffle for Kelham Island Tickets. We held a KS2 valentines disco and photo shoot to spread our love across the world to Menber. We raised an incredible £153!


Some children will also do charity events in their spare time out of school, but we still ask them to share what they have achieved & make other children aspire to make a difference. Needless to say, we are extremely proud of all that they achieve!!

To hold a charity event at school, children first of all have to pitch their idea to the Headteacher, plan out their event using formal proformas, create a PowerPoint show & then have to present to the school. Only then are they ready to go ahead with the actual event. We find that this process helps our children to think carefully about all of the aspects involved in planning an event as well as shows off their commitment to making something happen! We have children from all age groups getting together to do this – there is no age limit.