Pupil Premium
Pupil Premium funding was initially launched in 2011-12 by the then coalition government & is money is given to schools based on the numbers of pupils who are eligible for Free School Meals (FSM).
At St Mary’s, we are completely committed to the ideal of ‘every child matters’ & are driven by our values that focus on enhancing pupil achievement & wellbeing irrespective of their personal circumstances. In short, we want ALL of our children to do well & to thrive in their learning!
We seek to meet the needs of all of our pupils from through careful analysis of progress data on a termly basis & design intervention strategies where necessary to meet each pupil’s needs. Pupil Premium funding gives a method of further supporting some of our more disadvantaged pupils in order that we can ‘close the gap’ & ensure that they get the very best advantage from their time with us.
This year, our Pupil Premium allocation for 2023-24 is £97,105.00. To see how this money is being spent to support our Pupil Premium Pupils, please click below. This document will also show you the impact of last year's funding.